How To Love Yourself
You know many times people tell us that we have to love ourselves. But how do you do that? Getting a haircut? Taking a bubble bath? All that kind of stuff? That’s pampering. So how do we really love ourselves? Here’s an exercise that sounds simple, but it's potent. It's from Robert Jameson's "The Keys To Joy-Filled Living."
First, place your hands on your tummy, just over your belly button When we put our hands on our abdomen, there is a feeling of protection and nurturing. Our inner-child feels safe and nurtured and says, "Yeah, what do you want?" So, we keep our hands on our tummy while was say the affirmation.
Now that we have your inner child's attention, the affirmation is this:
"(Your Name), I am loving you. I am loving you,( Your Name )"
The wording is significant to note. You are not saying, "I love you," because you might not be in a loving place with yourself, and that part that knows would say, "You don't love me, you hate me!" However, if you say, "I am loving you," this statement is a loving act, and it cannot be denied. The little inner child will say, "Thank you. I need that."
For some people, the idea of talking to oneself is very uncomfortable. I would ask you to be a scientist and check it out. Place your hands on your tummy/abdomen and say to yourself (either out loud or to yourself, whichever feels more comfortable):
"(Your Name), I am loving you. I am loving you,( Your Name )"
Say this affirmation about 20 to 25 times or until you feel whole inside. Do this morning, noon, and night for 21 days. It takes 21 days to change the behavioral pattern of the brain. And you will see a difference.