
Hello. This is Arthur. Welcome to today's session, Gratitude. Allow my voice to guide your attention into a state of calm, relaxation. A place where you’ll be able to express your genuine gratitude. Find a comfortable place where your privacy remains undisturbed throughout the session. And before we begin, settle into a position that best serves your body in its pursuit of peace and serenity.

Whether you're seated or lying down, give yourself a moment to get comfortable. Set the intention to be present here at this moment with all your attention. Gently close your eyes and begin this session by easing into your breath. Slowly tune into the gentle rise and fall of your breath. Allow your breath to be soft and gentle.

Let everything else be as it is. And move with its flow without exerting control. Breathe in and breathe out slowly and gently. Release and relax all your muscles and let everything be soft and loose. Just be a loving observer at this moment. Just follow the rise and fall of your breath. Listen closely as it cycles through your body cleansing and healing it from within.

Let your breath be the anchor to this meditation. Gently tethering you along with the journey into a calm, peaceful relaxation. And should you be distracted by any noise in your mind or any noise from outside simply acknowledge the distraction and bring your attention back to your breath. Just go and ease into a feeling of relaxation. Just breathe with peace and grace.

Feel the deep cleansing sensation enter your body with each inhale. And see how the tension leaves your body with each exhale. Recognize all the thoughts happening in your mind, like loose sheets of paper scattered across the room. That is your mind. Know that you have the ability to clear the clutter simply by visualizing the process. Allow these thoughts, these sheets of paper to be all picked up and neatly filed away in a cabinet, properly filed under names and numbers, and accessible for when the time is right.

Right now it's time to relax and unwind. Right now, all you need to do is stay with your breath. Just breathe in the light and breathe out the stress. Good. Breath in the light. And breathe out the stress. As you ease into this peaceful state of mind, gently tap into your sense of gratitude. Everybody has reasons to be grateful, and so do you.

For instance, your wonderful body with this intricate respiratory system, facilitating a process that keeps you alive one breath at a time. For most of our lives, our breath keeps us healthy and alive, and we take it for granted. Just like so many other countless blessings. The wonders and comforts of modern life. The ability to experience and express our emotions, feelings, perceptions and thoughts.

The cover of beautiful skin protects our individuality and our sense of self. So much to be grateful for. But life owes us nothing. Everything good and everything bad we have in our lives is a gift of the divine itself. Once we recognize and accept that we release all negativity from our lives, along with all our anxieties, our pains, all anger, and all of the resentment held in our minds.

And with all that gone, we are free from all hatred. The opposite of gratitude. Hatred is a feeling that festers our emotional well-being. It stagnates our personal growth. It blocks the flow of abundance into our lives. Our hatred is rooted in the sense of unfairness. We expect people to be fair. We expect fairness in how our life is slated to unfold.

We want fairness and balance in our lives. Our quest for fairness puts our lives on hold. We get stuck in time, unable to break free from the shackles of our own internalized misery.

But life isn't fair, and that's the reality of it. The first step is to accept and embrace this reality that life isn't fair. We remain stuck in a loop, a cycle that repeats itself. Time is always fleeting. It doesn't stop for anything or anyone one second at a time. It slips away from our grasp like sand and a tightly knit fist.

No matter how your subconscious reacts to this information, except whatever sensations my words evoke in your body, accept it and let it fade away on its own. Then gently escort the attention back to your breath and to the sensations of breathing. Once again, breathe in the light and breathe out your stress. Nice. Breath in the light and breathe out all your stress.

Picture a black smoke emerging from your mouth as you exhale. Just keep breathing the light and breathe out the stress. Breath in the light. And breathe out your stress. And as you do realize that the ability to take these deep and cleansing breaths is a gift in itself. One of the many gifts that we often take for granted. Whenever things seem to overwhelm you,

all you need to do is tune in and listen.

Now spread your attention to the body as a whole, as if the whole body could breathe right now. Keep the eyes of awareness on all the sensations in the body from the crown of your head to the bottom of your feet. All sensation inside your body. See if it's possible to allow these sensations to be exactly as you find them, accept the sensation as they are revealed to you.

And allow yourself to be exactly as you are. Now with your tension grounded in the present, in the here and now. I invite you to open your mind's eye to a universe where everything's made of pure and unconditional love. Whatever that looks like to you, just take a second to simply imagine this universe, picture it and fill in the details and picture yourself in the middle of it all.

How does it feel to be you at this moment? And I invite you to feel the loving energy present with you. I invite you to feel this energy, touch and brush against your body, against your shoulders, your chest, against the palm of your hands. What is love feel like to you at this moment? Take this energy, every bit of this loving energy presented to you and gently put it into your heart space.

Channel this love into your heart until you become the only source of love in the universe. Feel this pure, unconditional love enter your body and become one and whole with you. Now imagine someone you hate the most in your life. Someone you have deep seated anger and resentment for. It can be very well a real person or could be a manifestation of every single person you hate.

Get a clear picture in your head and where they're standing in relationship to you. Now send all the unconditional love in your heart towards that person. Channel this love until you're spent. And as you do feel your love. And to that person's body. See it with your eyes. And more importantly, feel your love be absorbed by the other body.

Feel this connection last as long as there's still love present in your heart. And it is at this moment that the two of you have become one. By releasing your love to that person, you've eviscerated the resentment, the anger, the frustrations and the sense of unfairness from within yourself. And with all that baggage off your shoulders, you are free to move forward.

Life is about moving forward. Time is sacred. Once it passes, it never comes back. So every moment of time we experience should be cherished. And every moment is spent in the expression of gratitude, genuine gratitude. As you draw your next breath and speak after me, do so with the intention of completely filling your heart space with gratitude:

I am thankful for being here.

I am thankful for being able to breathe the anxiety out of me.

I am grateful for all the things that bring me comfort.

I am grateful for all the things that bring me constantly.

I am grateful for all that I have in my life.

I am deeply grateful for the smallest of things and pleasure.

I am grateful for being who I am today. I am grateful to be who I am today.

I am grateful for having acceptance of myself.

I am grateful for having a bright, wonderful and curious mind.

I am grateful for having a beautiful and healthy body.

I recognize the beauty of the outside sunrise.

I recognize the nature as it wakes for the day.

I take every opportunity to express gratitude.

I look for things to be thankful for every day.

I believe that gratitude is the secret ingredient to a meaningful life full of happiness.

I am manifesting prosperity in abundance in my life with the power of gratitude.

I speak directly to the universe when I say my thanks and express my gratitude.

I am grateful to be part of the grand scheme of things.

I am thankful for the blessings of nature.

I am grateful for my wonderful life.

I am grateful for all the joy and happiness I am blessed with.

I am grateful for the unconditional love of the universe.

I am grateful for the remarkable growth I have had in life.

I am grateful for being here today.

I am grateful that I am always provided for.

I am grateful that I am able to be a provider for others.

Today is the day to start one small step forward.

I appreciate the little things that make life worth living.

There is gratitude in my heart for all the unconditional love I am blessed with.

Life has blessed me with an abundance of joy and happiness.

I am blessed with the power to create my own happiness.

I keep the door open for additional blessings by expressing gratitude.

I am grateful for the ability to feel and express gratitude.

I am grateful for all the tangible and intangible blessings I've had.

I am happy and grateful for the material and immaterial gifts I’ve had.

I am paying more attention to the things that I've taken for granted.

The more I pay attention, the more reasons I have to express my gratitude.

I am finding unique ways to express gratitude.

I express gratitude through my actions.

I express gratitude through my words.

I express gratitude through kindness.

I express gratitude in my prayers.

I express gratitude by saying thank you.

Expressing gratitude gives me clarity and peace of mind.

All my hurt, my worries, and my anxieties fade away when I connect with and express my sense of gratitude.

No matter how tough the time gets, there's always an abundance of things to be grateful for.

I attract better things in life when I express gratitude.

I am grateful for every small step I take towards achieving success.

I breathe out my anxieties and breathe in gratitude.

I feel gratitude for the highs and lows of life as I am beginning to see obstacles as opportunities.

I am thankful to the universe for manifesting all the wonderful things in my life so far.

I treat others the way I expect to be treated.

I am generous with my kindness and my gratitude.

I am thankful for the person that I was yesterday.

I accept and embrace myself for who I am today.

I feel grateful for every challenge that I've faced.

These challenges made me the person I am today.

I am now seeing the world with a sense of gratitude.

I am grateful for my ability to self-reflect.

I am grateful for the ability to course correct my life when things are out of control.

I trust the universe that my life will continue to get better.

I trust myself to always make the right decisions.

I am grateful for having that trust. I am grateful for having that trust.

I can conquer everything I set my mind to.

I am thankful for being blessed with healthy self-esteem.

I am thankful for being naturally confident in myself.

I am thankful for having the right perspective about obstacles.

I am fortunate and I know that luck is on my side today.

Gratitude has unlocked this sense of fulfillment in my life.

It's a choice, an obligation and a pleasure to express gratitude.

Every day I am thankful to wake up with a sense of inner peace and gratitude.

Sit with this feeling of gratitude. Let this feeling move through you and throughout you from the top of your head to the soles of your feet. Notice it, sense it, appreciate it.

Sit with it. And when you're ready, take this feeling of gratitude with you and bring it to the present moment as you bring yourself to this moment, listen to my suggestions. Follow the count with me, starting with:

Five: The flower blooms whenever it's planted.

Four: Clarity in mind, clarity in thought and clarity in passion.

Three: Out of my hands.Out of my mind.

Two: The stillness and sanctuary in me.

One. A free and open mind.

Good. Now feel your breath fill the passage of time. Feel your body. And return here to this very moment. No future. No past. Just this very moment in time. Here and now. And with this feeling of lightness in your body, with love and gratitude in your heart, you may gently open your beautiful eyes.

Thank you for taking the time to give yourself the gift of mindfulness and gratitude. Thank you for practicing with me today. It's been a pleasure to have you on this journey. Also, don't forget to like, share and subscribe to this channel. So, until next time, Have Fun!


Let Go Of Stress & Anxiety